Study the following artwork:
David Hockney, Pearblossom
1. Print out the artwork and glue into your DWB.
2. Record the details of the artwork
3. Critical Analysis
a. Describe and Analyze (refer to your Elements and Principles chart)
How was the artwork made (materials/ process)?
What is the genre of the artwork?
What do you see? (subject matter, elements of design)
What kinds of lines, shapes, textures do you see? What kind of space is used? What kind of colour scheme do you see?
How is the artwork organized? (principles of organization)
How is the artwork balanced? Where is the focal point? How does the artist create unity? variety? rhythm?
b. Interpret
What is the mood? How is it created?
What is the work about? What is the meaning of the artwork? Be sure to refer to your analysis for support.
c. Judge
Recording Information about Artworks
For help check out the link below:
Articulation: The Art Critiquing Process
Finding the Right Word