Work collaboratively to produce an artwork that explores issues of cultural identity.
By using information collected from various media sources as a starting point, you will let the content emerge by opening
yourselves to what is given, downplaying unimportant text, imagery, emphasizing significant words and pictures, and juxtaposing
additional materials to the emerging work.
-develop skills in a range of media (drawing, painting, mixed media)
-push/ pull, add/ subtract, mute/ highlight; juxtapose
-strategies for working collaboratively such as negotiating
-cultural identity
-letting content emerge -spontaneous method of working
Collect visual and textual materials from a variety of media sources that reflects each others cultural contexts.
Decide on how to arrange material on the surface of the artwork.
Begin by obliterating and marking out some of the text and imagery using pastels.
Add paint and tissue paper.
Work on developing the new content as it emerges from the artwork.
Research Assignment Details
A Imaginative Expression
B Purposeful Exploration
C Meaning and Function
D Formal Qualities
E Technical and Media Skills
Add your content here
Growth and Commitment
Ongoing Reflection- What did you do today/
Final Reflection
P Independent Research
Q Critical Research
R Contextual Research
S Visual Research
Documentation of the Creative Cycle
Research into related topics and artists
Media experiments