Ms. Hunter's Art Classes-WINTER 2005

East Meets West

1. Read the handout, 'East Meets West' and answer the following questions:
a. When Western artists think of the East, to which countries are they referring?
b. What was the appeal of the East for 18 and 19th century Western artists?
c. How was knowledge of and interest in Eastern cultures informed in previous centuries?
d. What is chinoiserie?
e. Find examples of work by the Romantic artists Ingres and Delacroix, that are inspired by the East.
f. When did Japanese art gain popularity? What types of items were in fashion?
g. Find images by one Impressionist or Post-Impressionist artist that demonstrates the influence of Japanese art.
h. Find an artwork by Matisse that was inspired by the East.

Influence of Japanese Art

Van Gogh and Japonisme

Whistler: The American who discovered Japan

The Influence of Ukiyo-e on Van Gogh

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