Find out:
1. What culture made Haniwa figures? When? What did these figures represent?
2. Why were Islamic potters never able to produce porcelain? What culture were they trying to imitate? What breakthoughs
did they make instead?
3. Of the three main cultures in the American Southwest, which one produced pottery that was simple and limited in variety
of forms?
4. When was the Golden Age of Korean ceramics? Why was it called so?
5. Why were German potters able to produce stoneware in AD 1000?
6. What is porcelain? What is Celadon (glaze)?
7. Who wrote the first books on pottery? When? Where?
8. Why were European potters from the mid- sixteenth century through the seventeenth century, unable to duplicate Chinese
porcelain? What did they make instead? When did the Europeans finally discover how to make true porcelain?
9. When and where did the Japanese discover clay that was suitable for fine porcelain? What colour is kakimon ware?
3 examples of pottery from the middle section of the timeline.
Copy/ print and glue into your DWB.
Recording Information about Artworks
You will need:
Handout- Section from the Pottery Timeline